Sunday, April 15, 2012


I wasn’t sure what movie to do this week- I haven’t seen any truly good movies lately and I feel like I should only write about movies that have something special to offer. So I was watching TV last night and came across Waiting…, Starring Ryan Reynolds, Anna Farris, Justin Long, and Dane Cook. Now I’ve seen this movie about 100 times, its on TV all the time- but it was on kind of late last night so since this movie is rated R, it didn’t censor any of the extremely foul language! Which is the only reason to watch a movie like this, or every other word is bleeped out. I think I honestly forgot how funny this movie is, I caught myself laughing really hard at some points, and I quote this movie all the time. It just seemed silly to me that this movie came out in 2005 and still makes me laugh so hard, and I am really in need of a good laugh after my weekend and week from hell. So although I am almost positive that everyone has seen this raunchy movie, for those of you who haven’t, here is a quick summary of what your missing out on.

This movie is set in a restaurant called Shenanigans, and shows all of the crazy things that the people who work there do and discuss on a daily basis. It makes you wish your job was this cool, or maybe the people that you work with were that cool; from waiters, bartenders, cooks, hostesses, and even bus-boys, the different vulgar and gross antics that go on in that restaurant are incredible.

Ryan Reynolds plays a sexy waiter who is as equally clever with his words and more importantly knows how to flirt with all of his girl customers. Each of the other waiters, and staff all have their own different conflicts and resolutions throughout the movie, and shows how each person deals with the stress of working in this popular restaurant. The movie has numerous quarrels on the subject of love believe it or not- most of the staff are dating one another, so the different love triangles and dating issues that go on really puts a spin on things.

Hopefully this movie has made more people always want to leave a good tip and remain nice and polite to their wait staff, because if you’ve seen the movie- you know what happens. Not to say that kind of disgusting behavior actually goes on, but you never know what could happen if you snap at a waiter or waitress. Enjoy this movie if you haven’t already, and if you have make sure to put it on if there is ever a day where you need a good laugh, because believe me- this movie isn’t considered a classic or anything but it will really put you in a better mood.


  1. Oh my god I wanted to like throw up the whole time during this movie when they were doing certain things, that I won't say on here, in the restaurant. And then I was thinking like does this really happen? Do people really spit in my food ha I hope not!

  2. I love this movie, as a waitress/bartender I can tell you that Waiting is a realistic representation of a serving, except of course the genitals game they play. But when she has to get the birthday gang together it is sooooo on point. It is a hilarious portrayal of the service industry.
