Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

This summer, the final installment of the Christopher Nolan directed and written Batman trilogy will be released.  "The Dark Knight Rises" will take place eight years later after the events of "The Dark Knight."

Before Nolan took over the Batman series, the last Batman film ("Batman & Robin") came out to negative reviews and did poorly at the box office.  In 2003, Nolan came in and got Warner Bros. to entrust him (a relatively unknown director) with the Batman series. The first film, 2005's "Batman Begins," was a box office hit and received very positive reviews from critics.  In the summer of 2008, the sequel, "The Dark Knight," was released.  This movie is regarded as the greatest comic book movie ever made.  It is also one of the highest grossing movies worldwide of all time.

Christopher Nolan has successfully turned the Batman movie series around with his 2 movies so far.  He has brought a darker storyline to each film, and has also given us a understanding of how Bruce Wayne had become Batman.  

"The Dark Knight Rises," is by far one of the most anticipated films of 2012, and from what early trailers of the film has shown, it will not disappoint.  Below is the link for the official trailer of "The Dark Knight Rises."  Look for the last installment to be released on July 20, 2012.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Across the Universe

 "Within the lyrics of the world's most famous songs,  
 lives a story that has never been told.  
   ...Until now."  

Across the universe (2007) is one of my all time favorite movies; without a doubt, top 3.
It’s an incredible love story brought to life by the timeless music of The Beatles.

The movie takes place in the 1960’s and follows the charming Jim Sturgess (Jude) as he starts off his journey from Liverpool, and travels all the way to America to find his father. He ends up running into a new friend, Max who is played by Joe Anderson. The two new friends go on a excursion to the Lower East Side Manhattan where their story ultimately begins; Jude falls in love with Max’s sister Lucy, and Max gets drafted and is sent overseas.

The movie brings to life many different historic events; Vietnam, the Detroit riots, drugs and anti-war protests are all a major themes throughout the film, all shown beautifully through rock and roll. There are also a lot of different connections made using the friends that Jude and Max make including, Sadie who is supposed to represent Janis Joplin, and Jo-Jo whose character symbolizes Jimmy Hendrix. There are dozens of different connections to different Beatles songs as well, take for example the names of some of the characters; Jude, Lucy, and Prudence.

This really is a phenomenal movie. From the storyline, and casting, and most importantly the music; this is one of those movies that I can watch again and again, and it will still never get old. The different and unique ways that The Beatles songs are performed are amazing, and although the movie didn’t get great reviews when it came out- any fan of The Beatles and their music will really love this movie. Please take my word and enjoy!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


"Taken" is one of my favorite movies. First of all, I think Liam Neeson is a fabulous actor, especially in an action/crime thriller movie such as "Taken". This movie is about a retired CIA agent whose daughter goes on a trip to France and gets kidnapped. The people who kidnap her end up giving her drugs and making her a prostitute. This is known as sex trafficing.
The way the movie is filmed and the scenes which lead Liam Neeson on his journey to save his daughter keep you entranced. The action and thrill of the movie creates an intensity to it.
Liam Neeson's character, Bryan Mills, is divorced and rarely gets to see his daughter, Kim, who is played by Maggie Grace. Maggie Grace's character in this movie annoys me but is the typical ignorant teenager. First, she doesn't spend alot of time with her father because she has a rich stepdad whom buys her a pony for her birthday. Second, she goes to France alone with one friend after her father tells her she shouldn't go. And worst of all, she talks to strangers the second she lands in France. The only good decision she made throughout this movie was calling her father right before she is kidnapped. The kidnappers are members of the Albanian Mafia whose specialty is kidnapping teenagers and sell them into sexual slavery.
I love how tough and determined Liam Neeson is in this movie. I don't go for older men but he definitely made me wish I had a retired CIA agent for a boyfriend.
" If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."


Sunday, April 15, 2012


I wasn’t sure what movie to do this week- I haven’t seen any truly good movies lately and I feel like I should only write about movies that have something special to offer. So I was watching TV last night and came across Waiting…, Starring Ryan Reynolds, Anna Farris, Justin Long, and Dane Cook. Now I’ve seen this movie about 100 times, its on TV all the time- but it was on kind of late last night so since this movie is rated R, it didn’t censor any of the extremely foul language! Which is the only reason to watch a movie like this, or every other word is bleeped out. I think I honestly forgot how funny this movie is, I caught myself laughing really hard at some points, and I quote this movie all the time. It just seemed silly to me that this movie came out in 2005 and still makes me laugh so hard, and I am really in need of a good laugh after my weekend and week from hell. So although I am almost positive that everyone has seen this raunchy movie, for those of you who haven’t, here is a quick summary of what your missing out on.

This movie is set in a restaurant called Shenanigans, and shows all of the crazy things that the people who work there do and discuss on a daily basis. It makes you wish your job was this cool, or maybe the people that you work with were that cool; from waiters, bartenders, cooks, hostesses, and even bus-boys, the different vulgar and gross antics that go on in that restaurant are incredible.

Ryan Reynolds plays a sexy waiter who is as equally clever with his words and more importantly knows how to flirt with all of his girl customers. Each of the other waiters, and staff all have their own different conflicts and resolutions throughout the movie, and shows how each person deals with the stress of working in this popular restaurant. The movie has numerous quarrels on the subject of love believe it or not- most of the staff are dating one another, so the different love triangles and dating issues that go on really puts a spin on things.

Hopefully this movie has made more people always want to leave a good tip and remain nice and polite to their wait staff, because if you’ve seen the movie- you know what happens. Not to say that kind of disgusting behavior actually goes on, but you never know what could happen if you snap at a waiter or waitress. Enjoy this movie if you haven’t already, and if you have make sure to put it on if there is ever a day where you need a good laugh, because believe me- this movie isn’t considered a classic or anything but it will really put you in a better mood.

Friday, April 13, 2012


"I'm the king of the world!"

It has been 100 years since the RMS Titanic took it's maiden and only voyage.  To help commemorate the tragic event, the critically acclaimed movie "Titanic" was re-released in 3D and IMAX.  The remastering of the original film to become 3D took 60 weeks and $18 million to produce.

The 3D element surely didn't disappoint.  In my opinion, I felt that the 3D intensified many important scenes throughout the movie, like when the water started to rush towards Jack and Rose as the last of the ship was going under.  Any part that had to do with the ship wreck or the ocean, the 3D came across extemely well.

To see this movie in it's entirity for the first time in many years and in 3D gave a larger than life aspect.  At certain points you feel that you're moving along the decks of the ship yourself.  You don't tend to be fixed on the love story playing out before you as much.  Once Titanic hits the iceberg, Director James Cameron brings you for the ride of your life.


Monday, April 9, 2012


"Female fight club. We grease up, we pull in. Lillian doesn't know so it's suprise! We're gonna fight! We beat the shit outta her."

"Bridesmaids" is known as the female version of "The Hangover". Starring Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph from Saturday Night Live, this movie is about Annie's journey of being a maid-of-honor for her bestfriend Lillian. Annie is played by Kristen Wiig and does an amazing job in this movie along with Melissa McCarthy who plays Lillian's future sister-in-law. Throughout the movie, Annie is jealous of Lillian's new bestfriend, Helen, whom appears to be perfect and competes with Annie to win Lillian's trust.
As a whole, I did not think it was a good story line. For example, I didn't think Annie's relationship with the cop was that good...they could've chosen a much cuter actor than Chris O'Dowd. But certain parts of this movie I could (and do) watch over and over again and laugh every time.
If you are in the mood for a "slap your knee, pee your pants and cry all at the same time" kind of laugh, this is the movie to watch. One of my favorite parts of the movie is when Annie is on the airplane and goes crazy. She does stupid things including cursing at the flight attendant. And my other favorite part of the movie has to do with poop...I will say no more. I do not want to give anything away so I will leave it up to you to choose to watch this movie.
I believe that "Bridesmaids" will open up new doors for Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy, whom I believe both did a phenomenal job. Melissa McCarthy is nothing short of hillarious in every scene and brings this movie to a whole 'nother level.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Vow

"The Vow" is based on the actual relationship of Kim Carpenter, who wrote a book about his marriage to his wife Krickitt, also known as The Vow.  Ten weeks after their wedding, the couple were in an automobile accident in which Krickitt suffered brain trauma, which erased memories of her romance with Kim as well as their recent marriage.

 Starring Rachel McAdams as Paige Collins, and Channing Tatum as her husband Leo, the movie

is a romantic tale of courtship, marriage and domestic bliss that is rudely interrupted by a car crash which leaves the Paige unable to remember anything at all about the her husband Leo.  To complicate matters Paige can remember most of her life before meeting Leo, but none of it involving him.

He dedicates all his time to woo her and make her fall in love with him, even if she cannot remember him. His chances are hampered when her estranged and wealthy family, start pulling her back toward them, not to mention her ex-fiance.

Though critic reviews have been mixed on the film; I won't give out any spoilers, but I was pleased how the ending wasn't cheesy.  If you're a fan of either McAdams or Tatum, I recommend seeing it.



"Well, to make a long story short..."

This classic movie is a hysterical portrayal of an old school, murder mystery dinner- starring Tim Curry, Christopher Lloyd, Eileen Brennan, Madeline Kahn, and Martin Mull. Its starts off following a group of guests, who are all mysteriously invited to a house by an anonymous host- all of them are unaware of two things; first that they all are connected in some way, and second, that there is a murderer in the house.
The fast paced witty banter between the guests is the best part of the movie, that and Tim Curry playing the butler. The movie seems to revolve around the butler, Wadsworth and his ability to relate to each of the seemingly wealthy guests, while also revealing to each of them that they are all being blackmailed, and that someone is looking to kill off certain people.
They are constantly pointing the finger back and forth between each other trying to find out who the killer really is. The guests surely don’t trust each other, but soon realize that they are going to need to rely on one another, and the information they are willing to share, in fear of being killed. Just when the pieces start to fall into place, and the frustration between the guests is at an all time high- as you watch, you will be unable to control the intensity of your laughter. The confusion that comes from this movie is not only the question of who the murderer is, but of how absolutely hilarious a movie based around homicide can be. Watch this movie and find out who did it!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Save the Last Dance

"Save the Last Dance" stars Julia Stiles and Sean Patrick Thomas, premiering in 2001, about an interracial couple's harships and true passion. I'll admit, this is one of my all time favorite movies which I own on DVD and have seen about a million times.
Julia Stiles' character, Sara, goes through a life changing hardship which causes her to give up her dream of going to Julliard for ballet. She is also forced to move in with her "father" whom moved away from her when she was yonger. Sara moves from a predominantly white neighborhood to the South Side of Chicago. This movie shows the hardships that Sara goes through when she enters into an interracial relationship with her new boyfriend, Derek, played by Sean Patrick Thomas. Sara and Derek's relationship taught me that you cannot let other people determine who you should be with.
"'s about me and him, not us and other people..."
This movie is about passion and following your dreams until they come true. Derek decides to not let Sara give up her dream because of a hardship she has faced. She was born to dance. This movie always makes me feel like I was born to dance as well...but then when I try to dance along to the moves Derek teaches Sara, I decide to stick with my day job.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Town

I have been dying to see The Town for awhile now, I just never took the time to sit down and watch it.  Well I finally did, and I was everything I thought it would be and more.

The Town is one of the best crime movies I have seen since 2006's The Departed.  Taking place in Charlestown (a neighborhood in Boston), MA,  four friends rob banks.  Typical scenario I know, but it's worth the watch.

Without telling any spoilers, "The Town" is based on the novel "Prince of Thieves," by Chuck Hogan.  The movie tells the story of Claire, a bank manager (Rebecca Hall) who is taken hostage during a robbery. As she tries to recover from the trauma, she's comforted by Doug ( Ben Affleck), who it turns out was one of her kidnappers. Meanwhile, Doug's buddy Gem/James (Jeremy Renner) is worried that his new love interest might figure out Doug's true identity, while an ex-girlfriend (Blake Lively) continues to vie for his affections. 

Affleck has become a critically acclaimed filmmaker, winning an Academy Award and Golden Globe for Best Original Screenplay for "Good Will Hunting" in 1997, which he cowrote with best friend Matt Damon.  Since then he has made his directorial debut on 2007's Gone Baby Gone and The Town, both being well-received and doing great at the box office.

"The Town" is the best crime thriller that I've seen since 2006's "The Departed."  Big robberies and showdowns...for those who haven't seen "The Town" yet, go see it!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Almost Famous

"I always tell the girls, never take it seriously,
if ya never take it seriosuly, ya never get hurt,
ya never get hurt, ya always have fun,
and if you ever get lonely,
 just go to the record store and visit your friends."

This movie is a trip; taking place in 1973, and revolving around sex, drugs and rock & roll.
The real magnitude of this movie is about how much love a person
can have for a band, and their music.

The lovely Penny Lane is played by Kate Hudson, and the 15 year old, strong minded, rock and roll journalist- William Miller is played by Patrick Fugit. Other stars that appear in this movie include, Jason Lee, Frances McDormand, Zooey Deschanel, Anna Paquin, Faiuza Balk, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Jimmy Fallon, Rainn Wilson, and Jay Baruchel.

The movie revolves around an up-and coming band: Stillwater. The talents include- lead guitarist, Russell Hammond, lead singer, Jeff Bebe, drummer, Ed Vallencourt, and the compact bass-player Larry Turner. Throughout the film, Williams true understanding of music continues to grow, and from the beginning you can tell that his love for the music is real. But William is not the only one who is a true fan, Penny Lane and her loyal followers ‘The Band-Aids’ also share the same love and passion that only a true fan would appreciate. Its important to know that Penny and her girls are not groupies, she quotes “ ‘Groupies’ sleep with rock stars because they want to be near someone famous. We are here because of the music. We are Band Aids.” They allow William to join their clique and together they go around the country touring with Stillwater, following them to every show. And this is where William begins to fall for Penny.

The whole reason William is able to join them on their incredible tour is because of his accessibility to get the band on the cover of the Rolling Stones. The members of Stillwater frequently refers to William as ‘the enemy” because of the fact that he’s a journalist and whatever he writes, will determine how the world views the band. And all they want to do is look cool- how hard is it to make them look cool? Well it can be hard to make a band look cool when they are constantly fighting over their images, stardom and ladies. The different love triangles that go on throughout the film are nearly impossible to explain, but beautifully come together towards the end.

Add to this an overbearing mother, an incompetent manager, and a whole bunch of characters who worship music and everything it has to offer- you’ll get a film bursting with fun. If you are a music lover, or just a person who wants to be apart of something great- you must see this movie!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Friends with Benefits

This weekend STARZ decided to premier the movie "Friends With Benefits". This movie stars Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. I hate that this movie and "No Strings Attached" with Ashton Kutcher came out around the same time because I always confuse the two!
I have yet to see "No Strings Attached", so I can not tell you which is better but I did like "Friends with Benefits".
For all the ladies reading this, who knew our little NSYNC boy, Justin Timberlake, had such a rocking body? He can sing, dance, act and has 12-pack abs.
For all the gentlemen reading this, Mila Kunis is beautiful too and does a great job in this role as she looks for her prince charming.
This movie is about an emotionally damaged girl, Jamie, who just wants to find the perfect guy to live happily ever after with. Along comes Dylan, who is emotionally unavailable and wants nothing to do with a girlfriend. When Jamie and Dylan meet it is far from love at first sight.
We've all heard of men and women trying to be "just friends with benefits", but can this really work?
You'll have to sit down, get your popcorn and watch the movie inorder to find out.
This movie does have a happy ending and it angers me because it leads people to think that having a relationship with someone, which is just based on sex, will workout for the best. On the other hand, if someone is making thier life decisions based on a movie they saw with NSYNC boy, Justin Timberlake, then they have a problem.
This movie does have alot of nudity so just make sure you are not watching it with your parents!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

This Means War

This weekend I was so excited to be going to see Channing Tatum's new movie 21 Jump Street.  Sadly when my friend and I got there, the showing we wanted to go to was sold out.  So instead we settled on This Means War, starring (my favorite actress) Reese Witherspoon, Tom Hardy and Chris Pine.

Heading into the theater, I wasn't sure what to expect, some reviews were good, others not as much.  I won't give any spoilers except that Reese's character Lauren does choose one of the men in the end (though not who I wanted).  

I thought I was good enough for a date movie, it has aspects for both men and women; action, comedy, and romance.  Yet it seems to fall into the same boat as all of the other romantic comedies lately, just adding two CIA Agents fighting for the same girl.

Personally, I feel like this was none of the three actors better movies.  Chris Pine had won me over as a surprisingly quick-witted Captain Kirk in the new Star Trek movies, as did Tom Hardy in Inception.

My suggestion is, if you haven't seen it yet and you do want to watch it, wait until it's released on DVD and rent it on a rainy day.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Breakfast at Tiffany's

“You mustn’t give your heart to a wild thing.
The more you do, the stronger they get
until they’re strong enough to fly into a tree,
then to higher trees, then to the sky.”

This sparkling classic is about a girl named Holly Golightly;
flawlessly played by Audrey Hepburn.
She set the scene in this romantic comedy living by herself in an unstructured Manhattan apartment. But that is exactly how Holly decides to live her life- unstructured, and carefree, while also upholding class and grace throughout the film.
She comes off as a fabulous, naive, funny woman simply looking to find a handsomely rich man to marry. At first, Holly isn’t looking for love, she is looking for money. Back then, she would have been considered a gold digging call girl, but Holly only wanted to feel as though she was not being owned. She feels that nobody has the right to own her, nor does she have the right to own anything else, including her nameless, poor slob cat; named Cat.

George Peppard plays ‘Fred’ aka Paul Varjak- a writer who just moves into
Miss Golightly’s apartment building. Holly playfully renames Paul, Fred- after her brother.
They begin their relationship as friends, but all too soon,
you realize that they are meant to become something more.

A major setting in the film is located on 5th Avenue; at Tiffany’s. Every morning Holly dresses her best, and is off to enjoy her breakfast in the Tiffany’s storefront window.
For her, Tiffany’s is a safe haven. When she seems lost, or has a case of the ‘mean reds’ all she has to do is take a stroll down to Tiffany’s and after that, things just seems to be all right.
Her life is childlike, yet still maintains sophistication; throwing random parties, visiting old mobsters in prison, and continually accepting $50 from all different types of men for her trips to the powder room. She refers to these men as rats, and super rats. All they want from her is to own her love, and she constantly resists.

Holly and Paul seem to each have their own personal issues when it comes to love,
and their constant games with one another, make you believe that love can be promising
for them in the end. But that is something you will have to find out for yourself.

I more then recommend this movie, I truly believe that by not seeing it,
you are missing out on a beautiful love story filled with sadness and humor
and that will leave your heart filled with pure bliss.


Monday, March 12, 2012

The Notebook

"The Notebook" stars Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling and is one of my all time favorite love stories. The movie is based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks. Rachel McAdams' character, Allie, and Ryan Gosling's character, Noah, experience true young love in the 1940s.
This movie makes me want to never settle for anyone less than Ryan Gosling. It shows a romance filled with kissing in the rain, rose pedals, writing love letters, building a house, reading you stories, caring for one another, shoving ice cream in your nose, acting like a bird, fighting and true love.
  After watching this movie, you will  never look at love the same.
Noah and Allie teach you that if it is true love, then nothing will stop the relationship from happening. I often need to remind myself that this is just a movie!
For any guy who has not seen "The Notebook", you should find a date and suggest the two of you watch it together. While you are watching it, quote any line from it and then kiss her in the rain and you will win the woman's heart over. I promise you.

"If you're a bird, I'm a bird."


Saturday, March 10, 2012


Last weekend I had gone to the New York Rangers game against the Boston Bruins at MSG.  Rangers won of course.  But it got me thinking, what are some of the great hockey movies?  If you think about it there aren't that many hockey movies around.

There's "The Mighty Ducks," "Net Worth," "The Rocket," the classic and probably greatest hockey movie of all time "Slap Shot," starring the great Paul Newman, and I'm even tempted to go see the newly released "Goon," which centers in on hockey enforcers (the player that responds to dirty or violent plays by the opposition, or in better words, defends his teammates).  Though one of my favorite hockey movies is "Miracle."

Based on the infamous 1980 Olympic hockey game between the United States and the Soviets, it was later given the name the "Miracle on Ice."  The movie shows how not just a team, but an entire country came rallying together during the middle of the Cold War.  To the United States, this just wasn't a hockey game, it was a distraction from what was going on in the Americans, that game meant everything.

Actor Kurt Russell gives an outstanding performace as head coach Herb Brooks, who took a bunch of college kids to play against the world's greatest players on the world's largest stage.

I wasn't even a though to my parents when this game happened, as it happened 9 years before I was born.  But I'm a huge hockey fan, and to not just relive the video clips but to see everything the team went through being portrayed on the big screen was magical, even if it wasn't the real deal.  This hockey game is one of, if not the greatest moment in sports history.

Do you believe in miracles?


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

National Lampoon's Animal House


Animal House is a classic. This movie, made in 1978, is still watched and quoted regularly today. The movie surrounds a group of wild college students that attend Faber University, that are members of the Delta Tau Chi House. The movie provides the audience with a great underdog story of a run-down fraternity, how they grow together as a family and how they can take any challenge head on. It seems that no matter what tricky situation is thrown at them, they are always able to rise to the occasion.
This incredible cast includes the late John Belushi, and John Vernon. Other stars include Tim Matheson, Karen Allen, Kevin Bacon, and Peter Riegert; together they form a great ensemble. Their antics including a toga party, a food fight, and an unforgettable road trip along with a hysterical homecoming parade. The raunchy jokes, fun music, and crazy frat stunts, make you wish you were a part of that era, in particular a member of the Delta House.
If you have not yet seen this movie, please stop whatever you are doing and watch it. If you ever need a good laugh, I give you my word that this movie will instantly brighten your mood and put a smile on your face. This movie is a personal favorite of mine, and I could watch it 100 times and it will still be funny and never get old.
Trust me when I tell you this movie will make you wanna ‘put your hands up and shout!’


Monday, March 5, 2012

Our Idiot Brother

"Our Idiot Brother" stars Paul Rudd, Elizabeth Banks and Zooey Deschanel.This movie taught me that Paul Rudd's character, Ned Rochlin, really is an idiot brother. I would like to share his biggest mistakes with you all.
Paul Rudd's character, Ned, went to jail and lost his golden retriever named "Willy Nelson". Ned teaches us all a lesson: you should never sell marijuana…especially to a uniformed police officer. Ned is also an idiot brother because he does not listen to his gut instincts. For example, if you see your sister’s husband naked with another woman it means that he is cheating on your sister.
Another lesson Ned teaches us all is to not smoke marijuana…especially while on parole. And if by chance this does occur, I learned that you shouldn't tell your parole officer about it.
Can you guess why Ned is known as the idiot brother?
Although I was expecting the movie to be a little better, it was funny. I was in the mood for a comedy and it made me laugh. I was happy that it did not become like a “Marley & Me” tearjerker. 


Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Our names are Danielle, Katie and Samantha and we are taking an Introduction to Electronic Media course. We created this blog to share our view on the various movies we will be watching over the next few weeks. Our goal here is to capture different aspects of each movie while also sharing our unique opinions on them. The movies we blog about will range in genres and will be described differently each week. You will never know what to expect. One thing we will never tell is the ending to the movie! After reading our posts we hope you decide to sit back and enjoy the show...don't forget the popcorn.

...we had you at hello.